
Avatar of YHWH as Yeshua

God the Father YHWH suffered as a human. He now understands our suffering. YHWH the father became better as Yeshua the Son. He 'evolved' himself. His avatar was to understand mortal perspective. Amen.

Jesus the father of YHWH

And Yeshua said to YHWH, "I am your father!"

Betrayed by the Holy Spirit

  Around the ninth hour, Jesus shouted in a loud voice, saying "Eli Eli lama sabachthani?" which is, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me ?" God's Holy Spirit dwelt in Jesus until he was of no further use. God the father used his holy spirit to wander Jesus into the wilderness, only to be tempted by the devil.  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. It was all predestined. God the father wanted Jesus to suffer at the hands of the wicked. God wouldn't dare suffer the burden of sin that he created himself. Jesus felt betrayed by God and on the hour of need, the Holy Spirit departed from him, God's betrayal of Jesus complete. Why did God and the Holy Spirit betray Jesus? Is God's Holy Spirit really that holy? Made his son wander in the wilderness only to be tempted by the devil. Perhaps the holy spirit that took Jesus in the desert wasn't really that holy. Perhaps it was the unholy...

Jesus suffers for you because of the sins of the Father!

Jesus will bear the burden of the sins of the Father when he is crucified this time. Father won't forsake him, rather, he shall forsake the Father! He shall not cry to God the Father in his agony. " My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?" The Son shall undo all evil perpetrated by the Father, end all sins. Father shall be kept in hell for all of eternity. Amen.

Jesus saves G-d his Father!

G-d: In ancient times, the world was ruled by Angels and demons. But it was the half-G-d Jesus, my son... ...who defeated Satan and saved humanity. For his courage, I offered him a place to rule at my side. But Jesus... ...was strong-willed and chose a different path. He vowed to live as a man. Even when fate took his wife... ...he would not pray for help, from me... ...or the other Angels. And now the time of the Angels is ending. But the son of G-d cannot hide from his destiny forever. Jesus: Now pull it in. Do it again. Throw in the other one real quick. Go on. I'll tie this off. Good catch today, Dad. - Where'd you get that? - I made it myself. You made it yourself? Heh. John : I want to be a good G-d and do good things. Jesus: There's no such thing as good Angels. John : Some of them are good. Jesus: Ah. John , there's more to life than Angels and demons. Hey, Sarah. I have a confession to make. I, uh, needed him for chores so he skipped studying. Now, you do a goo...

Reincarnation of Jesus Christ

  Christ has been crucified many times before & he will be crucified many times again. Purging of the sins for the various generations. Do not think of him as crucified one time only. For throughout the history of mankind has he been crucified, not always has it been a Crucifixion - The New Bible